Random thoughts and observations from a woman who is neither a writer nor a former beauty queen. Well preserved?...depends who you ask.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
One more day
So I went to the doctor with Heather and Jeff today. Heather is one day past her due date and is really over being pregnant and is ready to be a mommy. Her blood pressure is up a little and she is spilling some protein. The doctor gave her the option of inducing labor or giving her one more day to go on her own. She and Jeff really want as little intervention as possible so they are giving it one more day. Back to the doc in the am...keep your fingers crossed that we can say Happy Birthday to baby girl on March 31st.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
There is no internet service here at the house in Hawaii, so I am blogging on my phone...not the easiest thing in the world. The new baby is due tomorrow and seems determined not to make an early appearance. The weather has been beautiful and we've been to the hot ponds to soak and to an outstanding farmers market. I only hope the baby comes soon, it is going to kill me to leave her. I want to enjoy her as much as possible. I will try to figure out adding pics to the blog from my phone so stay tuned. Heather sends her thanks to everyone who sent gifts. Cards and baby pics to follow.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Testing 1...2...3...
This is a test of the emergency blogcast system. It has been over 2 weeks since I've been able to log on and all of sudden things seem to be working again. I'm making this a short post and we will see what happens...
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Facing facts
It's very important to have the right clothing to exercise in. If you throw on an old T-shirt or sweats, it's not inspiring for your workout.~ Cheryl Tiegs
It was time to face the cold, hard truth. I leave for Hawaii three weeks from tomorrow, and over the past two months I have lost and gained and lost and gained weight, but I am no where close to where I want to be. I know what I have to do but it involves climbing those stairs of death and engaging in the E word. I used to enjoy exercise, in fact, I loved it. No more. I wish I could get back to that place, but it just isn't working for me.
Perhaps I need to do as Cheryl Tiegs suggests and buy some cute workout clothes. I haven't bought any clothes in almost two years,(waiting until I lose weight-LOL!) and my workout clothes are probably close to 10 years old...you can hold on to them that long when you don't wear them very often. :)
I can't use the excuse that I don't have what I need to workout, the picture above is right in my own house. Nautilus, free weights, balance ball, treadmill, bands, bike, ab roller (that's Mark's and yes, he uses it) flat screen on the wall and built in stereo speakers. The only thing missing is an elliptical.
So tonight I forced myself to workout. Surely I can keep this up for the next three weeks. If not, I will take the advice that is written over the window in that room; To stay young, eat well, sleep well, exercise well, and lie about your age.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Chapter One

Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.~ Mark Twain
I will be the first to admit that I've been missing in action. It's been almost a week since I've blogged, and I have one thing to blame it on, and it isn't Mark. I've been reading...like someone who is addicted. If you have never been part of a bookclub, you need to find one or start one of your own. My bookclub is small, much smaller than it was a couple years ago, but it is every bit as enjoyable as it was then.
The first two books we read this year were non-fiction, inspirational sorts. This month we decided on Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa Lee. This book is story of the young girls growing up in 19th century China. It is historical fiction, my favorite thing to read. I started this book Friday night and will finish it tonight, four days later. Among my favorite books are The Red Tent and The Other Boleyn Girl. If history in school had been taught using these books, I would have been a straight A student.
I am lucky to have children and stepchildren (although all of them are adults now) that like to read. I've even bought books for the new baby girl already. What a fun and inexpensive habit to nuture. I've always said that I really won't need much to keep me happy when I get older. As long as I have a library card and public transportation to get there, I can have all the books, music and movies I could possibly want. Add the free internet to that and I've got it made. Heck, if I get signed up for meals on wheels I've hit the jackpot!
So I will try to be better about blogging, especially after tonight. However, I do have another brand new book waiting on me...thanks, Kathy for mentioning The Art of Racing in the Rain.

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