You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive.~ Author unknown
I have about had it with drive thru lanes at fast food restaurants. All I want in the morning is to get a large, black coffee and be on my way to work. But noooooo, there are those in this world who have to make that difficult. I happen to like the coffee at one of the better known fast food places in town, but for some god forsaken reason they had to go and make their drive thru lane something that now resembles a cornfield maze in October. I swear there are mornings when I think they need a flagger with one of the bright green vests to direct cars. What is so hard to understand about the concept of one lane splitting into two, with cars alternating turns to place their orders?
I have come to experience a new phenomenon that I have coined "drive-thru rage". There happens to be one woman who drives this goofy car with one of those goofy stickers on the back window with her kid's name on it, that I am certain is trying to push me over the edge. She drives right past everyone in line to cut her way into the outer lane,and then pretends to be totally oblivious to the fact that she drove past six other cars to weasel her way in. She does this all the time, and when it happened last I tried to be rational and figure out why she thinks she is so privileged. Perhaps she is a teacher,drops her own child- the one who's name is on the sticker- off at the high school and then has to rush to get to her own school. If this were the case, then why does she always sit and gab at the window for so long when she gets her food? On one particular day she happened to be right in front of me when I paid and I followed her out of the parking lot onto the main street. She certainly wasted no time driving away from the drive thru, maybe her schedule is tight in the mornings too. Was I being too harsh in my judgement of her? So I continued behind her for about a mile and a half, wondering which school she worked at, or maybe she worked at the hospital- that would require her to be on time, when suddenly she made a quick right turn and pulled over...into the driveway in front of her house! Are you kidding me??? Of course, she doesn't work, she had to rush home with her sugary, chocolate,fake cappuccino and sausage muffin to watch Good Morning America! Doesn't this woman know that I have to be in Sharonville to save lives and stamp out disease??? She is just lucky I have to unlock the doors to the clinic or I would have been tempted to stop.
My friend Shari says I can solve this problem by getting my coffee somewhere else...I say that would be just too easy.